What Happened When I Quit: 60 Days Sober

Why I Made Sobriety A Permanent Decision

Kayla Martell Feldman
9 min readJun 1, 2021
Photo by Alexander Popov on Unsplash

To celebrate going 30 days without a drop of alcohol, I wrote an article coming out to the world as a sober person. I use the phrase “coming out” because, as a Queer woman, that’s what it felt like. I remember coming out as bisexual to my dad in my local Nando’s and telling my mother in passing that I had a crush on a girl “because I’m bi”, dropping it into conversations with classmates and relatives because I didn’t want to make a big deal. Oddly, announcing to the world that I have decided to permanently quit drinking felt like a much bigger deal than drip-feeding the fact of my Queerness to the people around me all those years ago. Publicly revealing the shameful stories of the times I have abused alcohol and ended up in horrifying and potentially fatal situations felt a lot more exposing than, when I worked in an estate agents office last year, pointedly drinking out of a mug that stated in rainbow lettering: LET’S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT, I’M NOT. But also, coming out as Queer doesn’t tend to make other people question their own behaviour. Coming out as sober absolutely does. So, to celebrate being 60 days sober, I want to share with you what happened when I stopped drinking, and why I chose to make the decision permanent.

The Morning After



Kayla Martell Feldman
Kayla Martell Feldman

Written by Kayla Martell Feldman

Anglo-American atheist Jew. Director & writer for stage & screen. Book person, intersectional feminist, poet. Living with OCD. Not an Expert. she/her